It’s not that magazines are dying; it’s that magazines that were created solely for advertising or market-share purposes are. New magazine titles often fail from a combination of bad timing, bad thinking, and a bad choice of brands to extend. Put simply, there are too many mediocre magazines (as anyone who gazes at the newsstand at Barnes and Nobles would conclude).

via  The Big Money.

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1 Comment

  1. With more than 600 new titles launched last year and more than 500 closing up shop, it’s easier than ever to street a new magazine, but the newsstand doesn’t suffer fools lightly.

    There are very good reasons Gene Simmons’ “Tongue” magazine never lasted – even with Hef’s interest in it. Same goes for the news weeklies and the “me too” lad mags and the weird fashion titles that don’t seem to have any clear direction or purpose past big, juicy images accompanied by little or no copy.

    Now, they all suffered their demise for different reasons, but I’m glad a reputable source is finally saying what some of us have known all along: the magazine isn’t dying at the hands of the web, it’s just “correcting” itself…

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