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  1. I am so on board with this! Let’s remember the agencies and people who make advertising need to get on board with this. I am hopeful that as the economy improves there will be a higher demand for visual storytelling! I just picked up Thalicer, an amazing photo studio that is committed to story telling in all mediums. It’s wonderful and refreshing to see. or

  2. Very precise and very simple. Photographs are about communication; they always tell a story, whether it’s about the image captured or about the photographer. Great photos tell the story in a powerful and engaging way. Poor photos have little to say in their story. As a Madison WI wedding and portrait photographer my job is to always tell an interesting story about the wedding day, or the portrait client. That’s where the true art in image making lies. –


  3. That is the party line being pushed by the Magnum “icons.” LBM is a Magnum relative.

    I believe, however, that a photograph need not be about a story or any other thing except the photograph itself. Stories are for photojournalists. Photographs can exist without being illustrations.

    • @Michael, Amen.!

    • @Michael, Right On. Sorta. I don’t think the story telling is solely for photojournalists. I do think an image should be able to stand on its own without some complicated story being told. I’m more of a story teller since I have a lot to say.

      I think Photographers should explore.

  4. It is a lot easier and cheaper for design agencies to use stock images. That will not be the future though as this way of working produces a rather bland overall concept when you look at corporate branding. The next generation of photographers will have to find a way to appeal to clients that want to stand out from the masses. Grant

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