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The New Yorker

Arts Editor: Françoise Mouly

Photographer: Platon

Note: Content for The Daily Edit is found on the newsstands. Submissions are not accepted.

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  1. Great set. Simple but very moving pictures, especially the back shot of the gentleman holding the guitar. Makes me want to read the story.

  2. I knew exactly whom shot it the moment I saw the pics. That’s what I would like to achieve someday.

  3. Yeah the look is readily recognizable but I just don’t see what is moving about these.

  4. Not THAT’S what I’m talkin’ ’bout!!!!

  5. Like.

  6. great emotion in the shots, love em

  7. Great spread, especially in juxtaposition with his portrait series of world leaders a few years ago. But I do think the color close up of the first women doesn’t quite fit the series. With another blueish or b/w it could have been even tighter.

  8. I Love Platon. Definitely one of my favorites.

  9. Platon gets all the gigs I want. I love his stuff. I guess I’ll go mow the lawn now.

  10. Ok, when are we going to see a page with a smaller size picture? It’s easy to see how these satisfy Rob’s obsession with full page use of images, but sometimes the appetizers in restaurants are as good or better than the main courses.

  11. several have been heavily retouched

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