The Art of the Personal Project is a crucial element to let potential buyers see how you think creatively on your own. I am drawn to personal projects that have an interesting vision or that show something I have never seen before. In this thread, I’ll include a link to each personal project with the artist statement so you can see more of the project. Please note: This thread is not affiliated with any company; I’m just featuring projects that I find. Please DO NOT send me your work. I do not take submissions.
Today’s featured artist: Michael Greenberg
The Kung Fu Nuns (also known as the Cycling Nuns) are a large group of Buddhist nuns in Kathmandu who travel around Asia and other remote regions on bike spreading women’s rights. They travel in the hundreds and roll into villages known for oppressed women on mountain bikes (many of these areas bar women from riding bikes) and teach the women valuable life skills like engineering, how to drive, ride bikes, fix cars, etc… They also do an “Eco-Pad Yatras” (about 400 miles long or longer) on foot to pick up plastic litter and educate locals on environmentally friendly alternatives. They practice Shaolin Kung Fu for self-defense purposes and as a way to build confidence and inner strength.
To see more of this project, click here
APE contributor Suzanne Sease currently works as a consultant for photographers and illustrators around the world. She has been involved in the photography and illustration industry since the mid 80s. After establishing the art-buying department at The Martin Agency, then working for Kaplan-Thaler, Capital One, Best Buy and numerous smaller agencies and companies, she decided to be a consultant in 1999. She has a Twitter feed with helpful marketing information because she believes that marketing should be driven by brand and not by specialty. Follow her at @SuzanneSease. Instagram
Success is more than a matter of your talent. It’s also a matter of doing a better job presenting it. And that is what I do with decades of agency and in-house experience.