“By my fourth year in school, I was shooting every day and every night. I photographed every little thing—all my food, doorways covered in graffiti, and my friends and roommates. I tortured my first boyfriend, Marc, by capturing each moment of our relationship. I was obsessed with documenting my life. So that’s my advice to you: Find something to be obsessed with, and then obsess over it. Don’t compete; find what’s uniquely yours. Take your experience of life and connect that with your knowledge of photographic history. Mix it all together, and create an artistic world that we can enter into.”

via Ryan McGinley’s Advice to Young Photographers | VICE United States.

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1 Comment

  1. That’s all well and good (if and only if) your work happens to fall in favor with the trendsetters of the day. The lucky few forget that their particular hard work was rewarded by A Whole Lotta Luck. Otherwise, your hard work either doesn’t get recognized (and you live with it), or you’re scrambling like everyone else just trying to get it seen.

    Yes, we all gotta work at it, but just because you lucked out and made it doesn’t mean you worked any harder, or were any the more sincere…

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