I love NY. I’m in love with this place. I enjoy visiting LA, but I don’t miss it all. I have been there three times this year for jobs. Some of my best friends are in LA. I got tired of living there, it turned out to be a very easy life. I found myself slacking when I was there, I felt like I was getting out of touch. I came to NY and something happened here. I embraced this whole idea of networking in a healthy and respectable way, and loved the sense of community among artists and creatives here.
via SHAUN FENN in Conversation with Photographer JOAO CANZIANI | POP | Photographers on Photography.
What a great interview to begin the week with. Thanks
I don’t know why people outside of New York bother to make a career out of photography…
You mean like those hacks Nick Knight, Sally Mann, Greenfield-Sanders, Salgado, Djikstra, Solve Sundsbo, and Catherine Opie? Yeah, why do they bother?
He also has some thoughts on photo contests (I’m not trying to continue the debate here, just wanted to point it out):
As for photo competitions, damn, are they expensive! But I’m always submitting work regardless. I think it’s so important to expose yourself that way. It can be a healthy form of validation. Even if you don’t win, it’s a good way to get your work in front of a respected jury of your peers and individuals that might potentially hire you in the future. It’s also a great excuse to go to the launch parties and meet these people face to face. Oh, and the free drinks and hors d’oeuvres of course.
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