Sean Klingelhoefer
Who printed it?
I had it printed through Ken at Continental Colorcraft in Monterey Park, CA but it ended up being outsourced to another print shop because they no longer had the HP Indigo printer I’ve grown to love when I have to do digital offset.
Who designed it?
Yours truly. In this case there really isn’t much designing going on but as they say, “no design is good design.”
Who edited the images?
All of the editing was done by myself although there really isn’t much going on aside from a color shift. I wanted to keep this project more abstract and simply in an effort to make a different statement than my usual “car ad work” does.
How many did you make?
I made 500 sets of 4 8×13″ cards.
How many times a year do you send out promos?
It depends on the year but at least 3-6 times a year. I think in the coming years I’m going to start making more of an effort to get more creative with promos.
How did this images series develop?
The photo series was kind of a mistake in general. I had planned to shoot my friend’s incredible Alfa at El Mirage dry lake bed but as soon I finished paying for a day pass I realized that the lake was actually closed to vehicles. After a two-and-a-half-hour drive from LA and a non-refundable $20 pass ,I figured there was no sense in going home. We decided to cruise around in the Joshua Trees for a while to find something inspiring. It was hot, irritating but I had some prisms, a beautiful car and an open dirt road; I just decided to do some experiments. I tried to capture the feeling of the desert in a story of a mirage which never quite clears and the moment of disillusionment never arrives. When I showed the images to my rep Paige at Fox Creative she was immediately on-board to do something special and targeted with the series. The result was the lowest count, highest resolution I’ve ever done on a promo. Hopefully the people that receive them will feel the same sort of nervous excitement I had when I made them.