David Studarus
Who printed it?
Printing was handled by Anthony Wright, awlitho.com – he was a total pleasure to deal with, and does great work!
Who designed it?
Jennifer Rider was my designer. When we first met, I was intrigued because she has worked on a lot of fine art and gallery publications. She’s also currently working with me on a few other pieces that are for leave behinds, a new biz card, and an email promo. We’re really focusing on having everything work together to support the brand.
Who edited the images?
Both Jennifer and myself. I started off with maybe 8 images I told her had to be included, then she selected the rest from within a larger body of work I gave her. She put a lot of effort into the pacing and flow of this piece! This is the first time I’ve ceded that much control, but I’m really happy with the outcome. This particular piece lent itself to that process; for the next piece I’m doing, I’ll provide a tight edit and then let her work out how to best use the images together.
How many did you make?
How many times a year do you send out promos?
This year I am planning for 2 larger, significant, pieces (this being the first). I also have some ideas for a few very small run targeted pieces.