It’s the middle of July, which means many of you are on vacation.
Yes, it’s holiday time again. No doubt about it.
I’m not getting to beach myself, this summer, so if you’re reading this on your Iphone, in between dips in the blue water somewhere… I hate you.
(Just kidding.)
I don’t hate you. What kind of writer would hate his audience? That’s insane.
Rather, I’m going to do you a solid. I won’t make you read 700 words today before I get to the book review.
Not today.
I’ll keep it short, and show more pictures at the end to make up for it. Think of it as my way of saving you a few extra brain cells, while you recharge your batteries.
You’ll need the help, as I’m off to Los Angeles tomorrow for portfolio reviews put on by the LA Center of Photography. I’ll have lots of fresh work to show you in the coming weeks, so today you get a reprieve.
Surprisingly, this week’s book comes right out of yesterday’s mail. It never even made it into the pile.
It’s a slim volume from Raphael Shammaa called “The Simplicity of the Moment.” (I believe it’s self-published.)
I don’t know anything about the artist, (beyond the fact that he has a great name,) and the book doesn’t have much to say either. There’s a short statement indicating the pictures were taken in various locations, and that he’s going for simplicity and truth.
Mostly, the words were vague because these are very visual pictures. They’ve got structure and sharpness, which are characteristics that will often get you reviewed in this space. And the printing quality is very high.
Frankly, I just like this little book.
Though I’m as happy to dig deep as the next guy, what I most enjoy about this one is that it suggests, gently, that you don’t need to bother. The beauty is of a Zen kind, but also of the synchronous temporal variety that photography does so well.
Like I said, today, we’ll keep it brief. In the PR letter that he sent out with the package, Raphael wrote, “There are so many ways we can work together.”
Well, Raphael, I just reviewed your book, so that’s about as much as I have to offer.
Enjoy summer, everyone, and I’ll be back next week.
Bottom Line: Beautiful, slim Zen book of travel photos
To purchase “The Simplicity of the Moment,” click here
If you’d like to submit a book for review, please email me at