Despite the regular appearance of various new products on the global pharmaceutical market, in fact, real revolutions in pharmaceuticals do not happen too often. For example, since the appearance of the first antibiotics in the 1940s, among which Penicillin was a pioneer, several dozen other antibiotics of different spectrums of action have been invented, but still their appearance cannot be compared in importance with the invention of Penicillin. Importantly, the advent of the “era of antibiotics” marked the beginning of a completely different approach to the treatment of bacterial diseases than before. Something similar happened in 1998, when specialists from the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer synthesized a completely new substance called Sildenafil citrate and decided to use it as a means to improve potency. Thus was born the famous drug Viagra, which revolutionized the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Before his invention, effective and at the same time safe drugs to restore potency simply did not exist. Viagra has opened an easy way for men to return to a normal sex life. This drug is convenient to use (available in the form of oral pills), effective against ED of both psychological and physiological etiology, as well as combined etiology. Viagra is not addictive and can be used for any length of time, provided that the drug is well tolerated by the body.
However, branded Viagra has its drawback, namely, the high price. Because of this, a very large percentage of men suffering from symptoms of erectile dysfunction could not afford to regularly use Viagra and regain the joy of a normal sex life.
In this regard, the emergence of Viagra generics on the international pharmaceutical market, which occurred after the expiration of the patent protection of the original drug, is of great importance. In most countries of the world, this happened between 2014 and 2018. Generics are full-fledged analogs of the prototype drug, their action is based on the same active ingredient, often its dosage exactly repeats the dosage of the branded drug. In the case of Viagra generics, these are 25, 50 and 100 mg of Sildenafil in one pill. Generics differ from each other and from the original drug in excipients and names, sometimes in release forms. The factor that unites them all is a significantly lower price than branded Viagra. This is not about saving 10, 20 or even 30% of the amount, a generic can cost 1% of the cost of branded Viagra. Of course, not all manufacturers can boast of such prices, but still the chance to buy generic Viagra at a price of about $1 per pill is more than real . Such offers are available in many Indian online pharmacies .
The advent of generic Viagra has made it possible for many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of men to have access to quality remedies for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. If earlier only an American with an income well above the average could afford regular intake of Sildenafil, in 2022 the purchase of generic Viagra will not hit the budget even of low-income men, not to mention the middle class.