Got an email from Sye Williams. It’s the usual email blast with a message like “check out my new work” and I’ve had him bookmarked as someone I’d like to work with for a while so I click and check out his work again.
Solid stuff, really good photographer but heyyyy what’s this video here.
Gotta say watching that video made me want to hire him even more.
(click images for links)
cool adobe doc, but man his website stinks. why high res images loading small? makes them look terrible.
Great work. It ‘s my opinion that photojournalists are the best of breed – and that’s coming from a commercial guy.
Check this out:
By a friend of mine – Pat Davidson – who continually blows me away.
very inspiring and it really clicked with me. Thanks for pointing out this great photographer to me. I’m putting hime down in my inspiration file.
Is that you mom?
What’s up on the video he says he lives in LA, but his contact is NYC. So to your earlier point, which is it? LA or NY.
do you know? I think it’s Hell-LA. suppose I could just call.
I worked with Sye years ago, I agree he’s talented, has stayed true to his vision-hasn’t given into the man. Always wondered why he wasn’t shooting more, not to mention he’s a great guy. Hire him!
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