I just activated a mobile version of this blog. It detects when you’re visiting using a mobile device and configures the pages so you can read them and make comments.
I get to spend most of my life in the office but I know many of you are in the field sometimes standing around in airports or waiting for the assistants to set up the lights or waiting for talent to arrive or driving around in circles trying to find the set or sitting in the hotel bar smashing vodka waiting for the client to come down for dinner and you may want to check in and drop a comment.
Also, for the assistants, when the client is too cheap to get a hotel with wi-fi and you’re stuck in the hotel room washing 50 sheets of 665 Polaroid neg you can quickly upload a rant.
I use my mobile phone just for phoning, but can you guys recommend some good device one can use for reading e-books (and blogs), as well as watching photos and video? I mean something in size between laptop and PDA.
Sure do enjoy your blog. I like how you speak what is on your mind, regardless of what others might think. That gives us as a photographer an insight into how our customers think, which is invaluable. Please keep posting, I will keep reading!
I read your blog all the time on my iPhone! Not sure if iPhone will direct to the new mobile version? To be honest it works fine as it is!
As an aside ~ I launched an iPhone friendly version of my folio when they launched here in the UK and I do get iPhone traffic to it, I’m interested to see if any other photographers have tried this for the ArtDirector on the go!!!???
I’ll remember to check in when I’m sitting in The Photographers car eating yesterdays stale bargain egg sandwiches and listening to him complaining about the client and how we’re going to make the afternoons shot look more difficult and take longer than it should so the client doesn’t complain about paying a day rate.
Oh no, wait.. I have no mobile device. How could I afford one on the measly amount that Mr Grudge pays me.
Looks good, reading from my blackberry. I am always reading this site on the go it helps past the time. Thanks!
the page has always come up blank on my iPhone. and it still displays that way now. no difference. it’s the only page that does that. all other websites work fine.
Are you doing this with stylesheets?
I check APE daily on my BB
665! I’m hording my last 7 packs. It’s become a running joke here deciding when to shoot it.
It’s become too much like Elaine and “sponge worthy”
love the mobile version. for a while i was reading this stuff three words across each line on my moto q
Like john mcd above your blog comes up blank on my itouch, I still enjoy it on my Mac though…always interesting to hear tales from the other side of the fence.
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