Sports Illustrated releases 54 years of writing, photography and video in a searchable online database for free (here). I’m actually surprised by this move. Most magazines possessing that kind of archive and audience usually sell a set of DVD’s with the complete digital archive for a huge profit (i.e. National Geographic, New Yorker, Rolling Stone).
I have my suspicions that there were major copyright issues (in offering a complete archive) so instead of trying to clear that hurdle they went online, with everything they have rights to, in an attempt to catch up with ESPN’s online presence.
Either way it’s great for consumers.
If you are right about the copyright side of things – and I am guessing you probably are – then I wonder what SI stance on copyright will be going forward, given they have lost lots of revenue by not being able to sell the SI collection on DVD.
Бесплатный сыр – еще кусочек?…
Еще один медиа-гигант выложил свой архив в онлайн: на сайте [помянутого мной недавно][8] мега-журнала [Sports Illustrated][1] открылся раздел [SI Vault][2]……
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