Looks like some really great programming on Ovation TV all week (here)
Here’s a Sally Mann Clip:
And, a Cindy Sherman clip:
Looks like some really great programming on Ovation TV all week (here)
Here’s a Sally Mann Clip:
And, a Cindy Sherman clip:
“Sally Mann: What Remains” is available on DVD (I rented it from my local video store about a year ago)… It’s FANTASTIC. Recommended viewing for any photographer…or any non-photographer for that matter.
“Sally Mann: What Remains” I just watched from Netflix. Excellent!
Ovation repeats these a lot so don’t feel to bad if you miss them this time around. However, I would keep an eye out for other programming and films (like Visions of Light) that they show as well. Some good offerings.
Sally Mann: What Remains is excellent!
Beautiful documentary.
For those of you Sally Mann aficionados, Lexi has this incredible interview series with Jessie. Check it out.
I don’t see anything but blank space under each heading.
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