A nice addition to the blog-o-sphere is Douglas Stockdale’s, the photobook blog (here). He’s nearing 50 reviews and has lots of resources for photobook lovers.
[…] 2008. His writing recently gained the attention of fellow photobloggers Exposure Compensation and APhotoEditor. We also thought it was something that insideAPA readers would […]
Dear Sirs – Enjoyed the site and would like to invite you to visit us at http://www.print-ibles.com – a photo book company. we would enjoy linking with you.
Rob, Thanks, I appreciate the plug very much!
– Douglas
[…] 2008. His writing recently gained the attention of fellow photobloggers Exposure Compensation and APhotoEditor. We also thought it was something that insideAPA readers would […]
Dear Sirs – Enjoyed the site and would like to invite you to visit us at http://www.print-ibles.com – a photo book company. we would enjoy linking with you.
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