The Health Care Reform Bill that just passed the House of Representatives would ALLOW YOU TO STAY ON YOUR PARENTS HEALTH INSURANCE UNTIL YOU ARE 27! Am I yelling this, yes I am. This is great news for photographers and assistants.
via Greg Ceo Blog.
The Health Care Reform Bill that just passed the House of Representatives would ALLOW YOU TO STAY ON YOUR PARENTS HEALTH INSURANCE UNTIL YOU ARE 27! Am I yelling this, yes I am. This is great news for photographers and assistants.
via Greg Ceo Blog.
When could this new plan first be implemented? We’re talking a couple years right?
This is, of course, assuming your parents have health care…
So this is great news? Why?
As stated above this is:
a) assuming your parents have health care
b) assuming your parents aren’t photographers, designers, writers ect
c) assuming your parents even have a job
d) assuming they any retirement or savings after getting you thru college
e) assuming your parents are fine with paying for you for another decade or so
Guess what I am a parent, a photographer and I did not have health insurance until I had a child, at the age of 36. This ‘great news’ is a simple way of our ineffective government to once again not really do anything but pass the burden.
This ‘health insurance’ debate is a joke being played upon us by people who have some of the best health insurance in the country, and if you were elected to that dubious fraternity at the age if 25 your parents wouldn’t have to pay your health insurance any more, we would.
I find the health care debate interesting. I am a bit dubious as far as the promises being made. Maybe we should leave the healthcare system alone.
Maybe we should make a way for those who want to be entrepreneurs to have ways to achieve it, control the costs of healthcare insurance (that part would need to be reformed), reform malpractice laws. Make the tools necessary for success to be possible accessible to all. Then let the young and aspiring work hard to achieve the goals as a full time photographer, designer, small business owner.
Who knows what upstart may become the next Henry Ford. Which could be a good thing, since they will learn the value of hard work and the people that helped to achieve their goals will benefit too. Maybe where our country is at, is a good thing.
and only affects you if you are 27 and under…
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