#10 Magazine industry spends millions preaching to the choir
The campaign, funded by five leading publishers, seeks to convince people that “magazines remain an effective advertising medium in the age of the Internet because of the depth and lasting quality of print, compared with the ephemeral nature of much of the Web’s content.”
And how are they going to get this message across? “Nearly 1,400 pages of the ads will be sprinkled through magazines including People, Vogue and Ladies’ Home Journal this year.”
Let me get this right – you’re going to tell magazine readers that reading magazines is a good thing? Maybe it’s just me but I’m pretty sure they already know. Aren’t the people you want to reach the ones who aren’t trying to discern the difference between the ads and the articles in GQ?
via, Collateral Damage, thx suzanne.
Another blow to the writers and photographers of those magazines.
That conclusions in that article were fueled by a deadline and too much Stumptown coffee. Two of the most successful campaigns that come to mind are Got Milk? and Pork: The other White Meat. Both encourged consumption of a generic product. Both campagns did wonders for the California dairy farmers and the corn industry. Wonders. Its snarky superiority, the article is pretty worthless.
re: preaching to the choir – my experience in magazines tells me that the ad campaign was first and foremost useful filler for ad-starved publications. Preaching to the choir? Who cares, our “foundation” just bought a full-page ad at $12,000 (or whatever).
I worked for a Canadian publication that would get government grants to develop large, joint-educational projects. For some reason, our mag saw fit to run double-page ads, declaring our bold initiative and progress updates over numerous issues, no doubt on the Feds dime and no doubt at undiscounted rates.
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