All of the publications are edited by women in their 20s who first built a following by blogging. It may seem strange for young creative types to be starting online publications that so closely mimic traditional magazines, particularly when that means adopting the conventions of print in such a literal — some might even say unthinking — way. But in the blogosphere, it turns out, many see print as conferring a sense of legitimacy and distinction.
Interestingly the content of these online pubs is very trad/conventional as well. Even the design in the homes is very typical of design and architecture of the last half century. So too is the magazine layout and ad space. However for about the last decade neo-traditional has been a popular style/design direction.
The article is a good read. Makes me wonder (a lot) about how these online magazines are handling photography. Are the assigning work? Are they paying photographers?
The article hints that a lot of the content in these online shelter magazines is contributed for free (or cheap). The top mentioned mag – Lonny – is co-run by a photographer, so he’s getting paid… but what about other contributors,
If these online magazines can become successful – can they be a potential market for editorial photographers?
Anyone out there working for these online mags (and getting paid)?
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