Don’t worry about being better than anybody you know personally or whose work you admire. Simply try to be better tomorrow than you were yesterday. You are not so much in competition with others as you are with yourself. Be your own toughest critic. Show only your best and develop your self-editing abilities so you know just what your best is.
— Bill Allard
via The Photo Society.
Tons of wisdom to be held on to by everyone. Those who are literal in their perspective with just brush by this, those who want to grown in what they do will re-read the entirety of his post. The obvious is his words above apply to everyone today. TY Rob.
The way it is and should be. An appurtenant statement not only for photography but life itself
[…] posts and blog posts by members it was picked up by a number of highly visible blogs like PDN, APhotoEditor, PopPhoto and they primarily referenced the Reality Check section. So the analytics were […]
[…] posts and blog posts by members it was picked up by a number of highly visible blogs like PDN, APhotoEditor, PopPhoto and they primarily referenced the Reality Check section. So the analytics were […]
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