“Dating” is a nice euphemism. That’s not what people think. People think photographers get to bang models right then and there. But then again, most people get their image of what a photographer does from watching “Blow Up”.
at least you guys have the public knowing your working for that 80%. As an artist (and photographer) they think we whip off a painting in 30min then go back to partying. And that goes to how little they value it when they want to buy… “will you take $50”
Love it! A Photographer could do real damage if they had more time to increase their networking, meetings, and adding/editing fresh work into their mix? I think I know the perfect people for that!
Yes, it’s true! I never forget that the people think that making picture is an easy job to get in..and they think that you just need a camera to be a photographer. You don’t need to study or taking pictures is a crazy hobby so they don’t have to pay anything for you work done.
This response to my price quote: Oh! but i only need one pitcher!
made me quit being a commercial photographer when I heard that 3 times in 2 weeks working in up state New York.
By the way my answer was: I am not a potter, I am a photographer, call me when you are ready for me!
I identify with the first chart, the second is too much! If I spent my time like in the second chart, I would never get anything done. When I started in newq phoitography 40 years ago, my life WAS the first chart, the rest was for somebody else!
What’s all this about parties and hot models? When I was shooting, I think I went to one party (hated it) and did not waste any digital memory on models.
[…] How Photographers Actually Spend Their Time. This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. ← A Few New Year’s Resolutions Beautiful Houses: The Small House in Massachusetts → […]
[…] you were wondering about how photographers spend their time, check out this little infographic. It’s surprisingly true… and kind if disappointing if you were under the impression […]
[…] As a freelancer, I apparently spend 12.2% of my work hours making actual photos per this diagram. That is true. I make pictures when I am hired and truth be told, I don’t pick up my […]
Ha ha that’s good. I have to do that for fashion designers too. I once had an insurance man tell me that my insurance premium was so high because maybe I might be with a model and she breaks a fingernail and then sues me…..I wish!!
Where is the pie wedge for “gossiping about other photographers and how much they got paid for a job”? (I lived with a photographer for a while. I know how y’all spend your time.)
[…] the last few weeks, this graph has been all over the internet – it even popped up on A Photo Editor a few days ago, and after looking it over a few times, Chris and I started thinking… how do […]
My wife saw this and said, “It’s too bad there isn’t a 3 or 4% in there for friends and family.” It’s sad to say, I’ve often seen this fall within the 5.5% of “networking.”
[…] I’ve been in meetings with new clients, and been shooting pop stars, and been chuckling at this pie chart, and my work has been published in a few new places which is always good, but I haven’t taken […]
[…] Na jednym z anglojęzycznych blogów niedawno zaprezentowano diagram obrazujący wyniki świadomości społecznej odnośnie pracy fotografa. Wygląda on tak jak na załączonym zdjęciu, pozwoliliśmy sobie odrobinę spolszczyć opisy, jednak gdyby ktoś chciał do oryginału się odwołać, to proszę kliknąć tutaj. […]
So true.
True, true, but where’s “partying like rockstars”? I can see it in the picture from left, but not in the picture from right.
I think that the first chart is related to Ashton Kutcher.
So damn true !!
People only think I party like a rock star 5% of the time? I need a better publicist! Wait, I am my publicist. I definitely need a better publicist!
I think the taking pictures and partying like a rock star numbers need to be reversed,….and then throw in a slice of “shooting hot models”.
“What people THINK we do”
Don’t forget the dates the photogs get to go on with the hot models
“Dating” is a nice euphemism. That’s not what people think. People think photographers get to bang models right then and there. But then again, most people get their image of what a photographer does from watching “Blow Up”.
at least you guys have the public knowing your working for that 80%. As an artist (and photographer) they think we whip off a painting in 30min then go back to partying. And that goes to how little they value it when they want to buy… “will you take $50”
Love it! A Photographer could do real damage if they had more time to increase their networking, meetings, and adding/editing fresh work into their mix? I think I know the perfect people for that!
This totally made my day, lmao.
I’m confused. Does the time taking pictures also include the time we shoot when we’re also partying?
Or is the pie chart on the left Terry Richardson’s?
Now I know hy I’m not succesful. I spend less than 12% of my time taking phots. Great post.
Yes, it’s true! I never forget that the people think that making picture is an easy job to get in..and they think that you just need a camera to be a photographer. You don’t need to study or taking pictures is a crazy hobby so they don’t have to pay anything for you work done.
This response to my price quote: Oh! but i only need one pitcher!
made me quit being a commercial photographer when I heard that 3 times in 2 weeks working in up state New York.
By the way my answer was: I am not a potter, I am a photographer, call me when you are ready for me!
I have to say this in Italian, the next time!:)
You notice we don’t sleep or eat.
Halluejlah! I needed this-you’re my savior.
There’s also the argument that if you shot better, editing wouldn’t take so long.
if the “actually” was real, it would probably add up to 120% — somehow we always find time to do the impossible.
Nice! Now we can show folks that question what we do a chart explaining everything. Thanks Rob Haggart. Happy New Year to all!
lol.. almost true.. rather than travelling to exotic locations, travelling to shoots in general should be added. Also, some partying is involved.. :-)
Andy Batt’s pie chart should also include “Home Depot Runs” and “Drinking Overly Hoppy Beer.”
I identify with the first chart, the second is too much! If I spent my time like in the second chart, I would never get anything done. When I started in newq phoitography 40 years ago, my life WAS the first chart, the rest was for somebody else!
Pretty exotic hey.
it is very very true
I would love to live the first graph but it’s not so, LOL.
The comments on A Photo Editor make the blog half the time. This was an awesome read!!! You guys rock!
[…] graph from A Photo Editor’s […]
What’s all this about parties and hot models? When I was shooting, I think I went to one party (hated it) and did not waste any digital memory on models.
[…] How Photographers Actually Spend Their Time. This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. ← A Few New Year’s Resolutions Beautiful Houses: The Small House in Massachusetts → […]
[…] you were wondering about how photographers spend their time, check out this little infographic. It’s surprisingly true… and kind if disappointing if you were under the impression […]
[…] APhotoEditor This entry was posted in Fun Stuff. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS […]
[…] As a freelancer, I apparently spend 12.2% of my work hours making actual photos per this diagram. That is true. I make pictures when I am hired and truth be told, I don’t pick up my […]
Do Photographers sleep and eat and maybe daydream, sometimes?????
I Think the first chart is related to Ashton Kutcher!
….Even worse!
[…] Blog “A Photo Editor” è comparsa una interessante e scherzosa (ma non tanto) rappresentazione grafica di come la […]
Can I count the Houston Ship Channel as an exotic location? … Errrm … no … Well, I’ll go sit down now … with the pie on the right.
Ha ha that’s good. I have to do that for fashion designers too. I once had an insurance man tell me that my insurance premium was so high because maybe I might be with a model and she breaks a fingernail and then sues me…..I wish!!
[…] source: aphotoeditor […]
Where is the pie wedge for “gossiping about other photographers and how much they got paid for a job”? (I lived with a photographer for a while. I know how y’all spend your time.)
Heh. On an iPhone, clicking the image actually makes it smaller…
No wonder I struggle so much. I can only do 6 of the 10 things and partying isn’t one of them.
Where’s the percentage for sexual intercourse? According the the movie “Blow-Up” it should be around 30%.
that’s only true for great photographers, not for amateurs like myself…
on the other hand ‘carrying for his subjects’ didn’t even made the pie…
This is what people think of any self-employed person it seems :) Thanks for pointing out the reality of it! It’s still a lot of fun, regardless.
[…] {Source} […]
[…] This graph about how photographers spend their time has been rocketing around for the past few […]
[…] the last few weeks, this graph has been all over the internet – it even popped up on A Photo Editor a few days ago, and after looking it over a few times, Chris and I started thinking… how do […]
Can you ad moving furniture to that?
Gosh you nailed it! Please include time for thanking clients that they are sending us on a holiday trip…
My wife saw this and said, “It’s too bad there isn’t a 3 or 4% in there for friends and family.” It’s sad to say, I’ve often seen this fall within the 5.5% of “networking.”
[…] How Photographers Actually Spend Their Time. […]
[…] I’ve been in meetings with new clients, and been shooting pop stars, and been chuckling at this pie chart, and my work has been published in a few new places which is always good, but I haven’t taken […]
[…] Had to share this pie chart from APhotoEditor. […]
Bitch Please!
20% editing
10% shooting
20% smoke break
10% food break
40% hair & makeup
[…] Fonte! *{margin:0; padding:0;} #socialbuttonnav li{background:none;overflow:hidden;width:65px; height:80px; line-height:30px; margin-right:2px; float:left; text-align:center;} #fb { text-align:center;border:none; } […]
[…] do meu amigo Martim Baffi, tirada daqui. Clique aqui para cancelar a […]
[…] Via A Photo Editor. […]
[…] http://plain-glass.flywheelsites.com/2011/12/29/how-photographers-actually-spend-their-time/ […]
[…] Na jednym z anglojęzycznych blogów niedawno zaprezentowano diagram obrazujący wyniki świadomości społecznej odnośnie pracy fotografa. Wygląda on tak jak na załączonym zdjęciu, pozwoliliśmy sobie odrobinę spolszczyć opisy, jednak gdyby ktoś chciał do oryginału się odwołać, to proszę kliknąć tutaj. […]
[…] pochodzi z strony APhotoEditor a tłumaczenie go zawdzięczamy A&A […]
[…] Graphiques réalisés par A Photo Editor […]
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