Why should a meaningful piece of artwork take two days, two months, two years, or possibly much longer, to create? Why do we need to wait for the right inspiration, the right moment, or gather materials we have no idea how to use to create a piece of individual expression to hang on our walls?
…the constraints of time, finances, and physical or mental disposition no longer need to be our barriers. Braintone Art offers an alternative means of creating art…
via Braintone Art.
Sure, why should the creation of art be conscious at all. Instead of it being one of the highest forms of mental activity, let’s downgrade it to science + bodily function. Then we can finally dispel the privileged value of artistic pursuit altogether.
These images are not very appealing to look at for starters.
Could our brains start competing for wall space? I think my brain could make a more interesting image than your brain. Oh, wait, we already do that.
Purely as an art project, these images are interesting. Elephants, monkeys, cats make art too. Why not the human brain? Maybe brain power could hook up to all kinds of animals. Now that’s interesting.
Nice try though.
“Art is not a thing, it is a state of being.” — Ann-Marie Stillion
uhm yeah, art for art’s sake. In this case paint splatter art. Not very powerful I’m afraid.
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