Still Images In Great Advertising, is a column where Suzanne Sease discovers great advertising images and then speaks with the photographers about it.
Great advertising takes on many different venues and in this ever-changing world, it means web as well. This campaign was commissioned for web only, but I personally think it would be effective in conventional print. I reached out to Joshua Dalsimer and his agent Kristina Snyder at Redux Reps to find out more about this campaign.
Suzanne: This is an interesting campaign but when I go the actual site I only get to see one image- how are the others being see, are they changing them periodically? And it is an interesting concept, but being so vague, are they getting people to sign up? Do they have plans to roll out to more mass marketing?
Joshua: Right now it is just images for the login page. We did not want to force it down every avenue and let it be unique visual that separates it from the other private sale sites. Rue La La is a web based business that is not only a retailer, but has also become social experience. We want the members to tweet about the login and let it grow in an organic way. Give the costumers the feeling of discovery with out jamming it through other media. The customers look forward to the change and I am constantly getting suggestions of new ideas from customers, friends, and creative people. There is a part of their site called “the artists of rue” where they blog about our crew and have behind the scenes shots. People are always curious about the making of and are surprised to see all the work that goes into these.
Suzanne: The scenarios are all very different, what creative input did you have in the process?
Joshua: I came up with the concept of their logo in unexpected places and wrote a bunch of scenarios for the client’s consideration. I also worked with other creatives to brainstorm as well as find ideas from all over. Rue La La employees came up with a couple, as well as my brother in law. Once the ideas are conceived, I work closely with my producer, model maker, retouchers, CGI artists, stylists, etc. I include everyone in the creation process and rely on everyone’s input to come to the best solution. These images are a real team effort and I enjoy seeing people utilize their expertise.
Suzanne: These images can be either elaborate props or extensive retouching- which direction was it? or a combination of both?
Joshua: A combination of both. We do a lot of planning and review the best choices possible for each scenario. Obviously there is a limit to the budget, so we need to factor that in and be efficient as possible. The one thing, that might be obvious, is no matter how great a prop is or how fabulous your retoucher is, if we don’t provide great elements in the beginning we do not end up with a great piece. There is a limit to how much you can fake and the less faking you do the better.
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Joshua Dalsimer’s professional career started at age 16, not with a camera in his hands but with a pair of drum sticks. When some of us were lucky to hold down a job at dairy queen, Joshua was off touring as the drummer for the Mighty Mighty Bosstones. After several years with the Bosstones, Josh played with a few other bands landing record deals with both major and independent labels. After several tours and albums he realized there were other creative outlets he wanted to explore. “I always looked at drums and photography as very similar disciplines.” He says, both take place behind the scene. However, both lay down a foundation that helps create a look or sound.” Joshua adds, “collaboration is also very important for both. music helped me learn how to communicate clearly about ideas with other creative people.” Joshua currently lives in New York with his wife Lisa and his kids, Adele, Noah and Sam.
APE contributor Suzanne Sease currently works as a consultant for photographers and illustrators around the world. She has been involved in the photography and illustration industry since the mid 80s, after founding the art buying department at The Martin Agency then working for Kaplan-Thaler, Capital One, Best Buy and numerous smaller agencies and companies.
I’ve always enjoyed seeing these images on their site (obviously I’m a customer).
I think they are well done and combine both of my talents so perhaps they’ve caught my attention a little more than someone else.
These images and ideas are so cool. I haven’t actually been on their website yet but I am going to go on now.
Glad to see a fellow drummer-turned-photog get some props. And I love the Rue La La work.
I am a frequent Rue La La visitor, and also a photo rep, so I immediately noticed the imagery and am a fan of the work from concept to execution.. Great job Joshua!
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