I lug around those big ugly beer coolers that plug into cigarette lighters in a car, or can be plugged into a wall socket. Hunting for working freezers in a sub-Saharan war zone has been my task of Sisyphus for the last three years, and I’m looking forward to the day (coming soon) when I run out of this pesky film forever, and no longer need to worry about keeping the film cold. It has been like carrying around one of those Tamagochi toys which you have to keep alive like a feeble baby.
–Richard Mosse
via Raw File | Wired.com.
It would be great if the full context were addressed in this snippet. It reads as if Mosse can’t wait for all film to die, but, really, he’s made a choice to shoot with a very specific type of film with little tolerance for the climates he’s working in and is dealing with the frustration of the efforts he must take to keep the film from going off. And, understandably so, but, obviously, he thinks it’s worth it or he wouldn’t be doing it.
Please, editors, try to encapsulate more fully the context of the quotes you’re sharing.
It would be to the detriment of photographers everywhere should film cease to exist or even cease to be utilized. Digital can, in some cases, do things that film cannot, such as having the ability to shoot in true color at astronomical ISOs, but that d
Lighten up. Nobody who wants to use film is going to stop doing so because they misinterpret a quote taken out of context. Anyone who wants to know the context only has to click on the link provided at the bottom of the quote.
Tired, fumbly fingers on my phone. Whoops.
… that doesn’t mean that digital is better for everything. When people try to compensate for the lack of something they can’t quite put their finger on by adding grain, or when they apply filters to make an image appear as if it had been shot with a Holga, or Polaroid, or high ISO black and white film, you know that there’s something digital lacks on its own. There’s a certain sterility and lifelessness in digital. It’s a technology for ravenous consumption. But, I suppose the same could be said for photography in general over painting. And I don’t paint. So … Choose what works for you. But, I guess I just want to say that we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss something because it isn’t always as convenient.
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