Late brunch at chic, but understated café.
Surprise companions by conversing fluently in Russian or maybe Farsi with the waiter.
Be seen shooting photos on horseback or from a helicopter, likely in inclement weather.
Make an appearance at opening of my new show.
Retire for the evening with my supermodel-girlfriend.
Wake up, realize I was dreaming.
Cry a little.
Maybe do some laundry.
Wake up, have coffee, think about what kid of work I”m going to do for a living this year. Five minutes later think about the projects I could do for myself. Run arrends, walk the dog, have a few beers, write some stuff and go to bed.
For me I would add, arguing with my cat and boring my girlfriend with my plans for a new photo project.
Wake up, market the hell outta myself, take a bunch of selfies and put my feet up. #howtobeaphotographer
Typical Day:
Late brunch at chic, but understated café.
Surprise companions by conversing fluently in Russian or maybe Farsi with the waiter.
Be seen shooting photos on horseback or from a helicopter, likely in inclement weather.
Make an appearance at opening of my new show.
Retire for the evening with my supermodel-girlfriend.
Wake up, realize I was dreaming.
Cry a little.
Maybe do some laundry.
Wake up, have coffee, think about what kid of work I”m going to do for a living this year. Five minutes later think about the projects I could do for myself. Run arrends, walk the dog, have a few beers, write some stuff and go to bed.
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