Taos is a famously spiritual place.
Our mountain is sacred, and considered one of the world’s energy vortices, if you believe that sort of thing.
So people around here are pretty open to seeing the hand of fate, rather than ascribing any and all oddities to coincidence and chance.
As such, last summer, I chose to take a different route home, which I never do, and drove past my former Kung Fu teacher, walking a dog with a little girl by his side. (I hadn’t seen him in years.)
Not believing it was a coincidence, I parked the car, walked across the street, and said “Hello.” It felt like a sign, so I decided to start studying again, and have been training now for nearly 5 months.
Wing Chun is not for everyone, but I’m enjoying myself immensely. It’s exercise, self-defense, and Buddhist/Daoist philosophy all rolled into one.
The downside, though I hadn’t really contemplated it, is that you can get hurt. Fighting, apparently, can lead to injuries. (Who knew?)
My left hand is strained at the moment, as I hurt it punching a bag a couple of weeks ago, and re-injured it during training last week. Typing right now hurts like hell, and I have to keep it to a minimum, so I can get better and drop 1200 words on you next week.
As such, I”m going to keep it short today. Like super-short. Shorter than DJT’s attention span. Shorter than the line at Chipotle. (You get the picture.)
But to counteract the effects of an abbreviated review, I’m going to show a 4 book set, called “Subscription Series No. 5,” put out last year by our friends at TBW Books in Oakland. (We hate the Warriors in my household, but love Oaktown.)
The series, overseen by Paul Schiek, features books by Mike Mandel, Susan Meiselas, Bill Burke, and Lee Friedlander. How’s that for a line-up?
Pretty badass.
Each grouping comes from the past, though Friedlander snuck a few contemporary images into his edit.
What do they have in common?
I’m not sure.
They’re all black and white, and show people in interesting subcultures: Santa Cruz boardwalk beach kids, Downtown NYC schoolgirls, Appalachian snake-handlers, and people with heads. (OK, “people with heads” is not a sub-culture, but I’m trying to tie a bow on this, so I can stop typing and ice my hand.)
The suite of books is really cool, and Mike Mandel even features images of cunnilingus behind a beach shack, which I have never, ever seen before. (And I won’t photograph here, as Rob likes to keep things SFW.)
Anyway, I’m out, and will be back next week with portfolios from Photo NOLA.
Have a good one, and if you’re going to punch a bag this week, make sure to use proper technique.
Bottom Line: Beautiful, slightly absurd book series by some masters
To purchase “Subscription Series No. 5,” click here
If you’d like to submit a book for potential review, please email me directly at jonathanblaustein@gmail.com
1 Comment
That is one handsome set of books… Go Warriors!
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