Covery Photo by Jonas Fredwall Karlsson
Vanity Fair Spain
Editor: Lourdes Garzón
Art director: María San Juan
Graphic designer: Cristina González Vieco
Photo Editor Mangaer: Beatriz Palomo
Photo Editor: Sara Ocón
Heidi: How much of your photography is assigned?
Beatriz: In Vanity Fair Spain aprox 20% of the photography is assigned. The rest of the content of the magazine is either syndicated from Condé Nast international titles, licensed by Condé Nast US archive, photo agencies, illustrators, photography archives, or other (film, music, fashion or beauty brands, personal archive from subjects that are interviewed, etc.)
What resources do you use to look for photographers?
In Vanity Fair Spain photo edition department, we search among almost all archives, websites, agencies and photographers. Our daily work is to look for the best and most unseen photographs for our features. Web/Internet is the most used resource, as well as other magazines work (both our Condé Nast International titles and competitors) and our unique Condé Nast US archive.
How many promos do you typically get in any given week?
I usually get between 50 and 80 in a week, many of them are not interesting for the magazine, but I love to receive good photo stories anyways, even if they are not what I am looking for the magazine I work for. I always try to save some time to review and see all the promos that I get (from photographers, from photo agencies, from illustrators, from representatives…). Even if the story is not related to the magazine I try to thank and send some feedback if I have liked the work (mostly in the times that I think ‘here is a very good photograph’). I truly think it is good to share this with photographers. If I would be -or when I was a photographer myself- on the other side, I would have liked to hear any feedback of my work (positive or negative, in my personal opinion, they both help).
(there is a Spanish phrase that says: always try to give what you would like to receive yourself).
Along with photo editing, I see you teach. What course do you teach and where?
I am also collaborating as a jury for ‘Visa pour l’image, Perpignan Festival ‘ since 2014 and as a photographer’s portfolios viewer with PhotoEspaña (biggest Photography Festival in our country) in 2015.
The course I teach is ‘Photo edition in magazines’. I have given classes here to name a few:
Escuela de Fotografía y Técnica de la Imagen which is Photography and Image Technique School
LENS Escuela de Artes Visuales Visuals arts school in the ‘Master de Fotografía de autor y proyectos personales’ which is Author and Personals Projects Photography Master
IED Istituto Europeo di Design in the ‘1 year Fashion Communication course’ where I taught 1 year fashion communications.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, a the Science of Communications University is where I taught in the 3rd year of Audiovisual Communications, documentation course.
This is also is where I studied my major/degree.
1 Comment
Really a great eye for the nuances.
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