Edgar Artiga
Who printed it?
I worked with Rikki Webber at Modern Postcard. She’s really great to work with.
Who edited the images?
Jasmine DeFoore edited the images. She’s an amazing editor. I’m so happy I was able to work with her on this project. She also edited and designed my print books and website.
Who designed it?
I designed the layout of the promo but ran the final design by Jasmine DeFoore to make sure she approved.
How many did you make?
I wanted to do a small run of 100. The reaction to the promo has been really positive so I’m thinking about doing another run.
How many times a year do you send out promos?
Ideally I’d like to send out 3 or 4 small runs a year to a select client list.
How did this promo idea develop?
I shot this as a personal project; I love the history and tradition of black college marching bands, and wanted to approach photographing and lighting them as I would an athlete. My goal was to make them look like superheroes showing the passion and energy of these young men and women. I’ve been thrilled with the feedback so far, I think people really connect with that energy I captured.
great promo, ….. big fan of Edgar’s work!
love the images, and love the format. what product at modern postcard? can you reveal?
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