Thought I’d post my links to photography agents that I keep handy. It’s over there on the sidebar.
I’ve collected a pretty good list over the years, of agents I like and refer to it all the time. It’s by no means complete, I’m sure there’s a few dead links in there and I haven’t alphabetized the bottom entries but, It’s one of the first places I go to look for photographers.
Thanks for the list, it’s good reference material. Here’s a question for you. Do you prefer to deal directly with the photographer or do you prefer to deal through their agent? As a photographer I can say it is great to have someone do all of the heavy lifting (re budgets, contracts, etc) but they sometimes get in the way of a personal relationship with the photo editor and the cut they take can be hard to swallow on the smaller jobs.
Either is fine. Each photographer has a different protocol for assigning editorial. I have as good a relationship with some of the agents as I do with photographers. There are a few agents out there who are all about advertising and I’m sure you’d know it if they were yours but they’re horrible to deal with on editorial.
There is no better honor than being on a photo editors list. The editorial world is where we started and have strived to continue. It is the one place where a photorapher or illustrator, can once again be who they are..have the freedom to concept with the editor and produce work that reflects why they got into this business in the first place. To do GREAT WORK…to use their mind and their vision.
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of that.
Simone Friend
We’d love to work with you. Love your blog. Love your insight, perspective. I’ve just discovered this site and I’ve been logged on for 45 minutes. Way past my bedtime, but I am still hooked.
Be well-
Erica Chadwick
etc creative, inc.
Just wondering what happened to the link with the agent list?
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