Are you following the Magnum photographers road trip “Postcards From America“? They’re almost halfway in and look to be headed towards Tucson. Check it out if you get a chance, it’s quite cool.
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- By rhaggart
- In Multimedia, Photographers, The Future
Interesting body language in the bus group portrait. They kind of look like a bunch of strangers who have endured half a long bus ride.
It almost looks as if the oposite ends are at odds, interesting observation Observer
Dang. How did Jim get to be this vintage? I guess the last time I saw him was when he lectured at NYU in 1988(ish.) He gave a talk on his book, “Rich and Poor.”
These guys are just trying to capitalize on the popularity of the Joe McNally/David Hobby Flashbus tour. :P
I love the Del Rio Look! This is a fun new idea for what to point my camera at. So often I am focused on the shot ahead. How will I stage the subject? But, along the way, there are lots of fun things to Postcardize.
I have the book Rich and Poor. It’s one of my favorites. It never gets old…just more poignant and more revealing.
Quick Q:
Looking at the Soth’s Del Rio pictures, does anyone know how he manages to get a higher perspective here?
A lot photographers seem to be able to do this where it seems like there wouldn’t be anything around to allow that.
Few more from that series here:
@shahn, Wide lens from the roof of the RV.
Whatever it is, I like it. Anyone else wanting to do this, I will gladly be your driver, and I can cook.
Very cool project, and I love the point of view of some pictures :)
I’ve been following them on FaceBook and really enjoying the images. Saw there request for music once, so I contacted a musician I have worked with to send them some nice mixes. Wish I was in that tour bus.
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